5000 Plaza on the Lake, Suite 305, Austin, TX 78746
Website: https://www.360training.com     Support: 1-877-881-2235

Policies & Procedures Disclosure

Date of Publication: July 01, 2022

Legal Name of Education Provider: 360training.com. Inc,

Advertised Name of Education Provider: 360training.com. Inc

Name of Education Director: Samantha Montalbano

Names of Full-Time Officials and Faculty: Samantha Montalbano

Education Provider Certification:
360training.com, Inc. is certified by the North Carolina Real Estate Commission. The Commission’s address is 1313 Navaho Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609.

Any complaints concerning the Education Provider, or its affiliated instructors should be directed in writing to the Commission. A link to the Complaint Form is provided on the Commission’s homepage (ncrec.gov).
Per Commission Rule 58H .0204, the Education Provider must provide each prospective student with a copy of the Education Provider’s Policies & Procedures Disclosure (PPD) prior to payment of any non-refundable tuition or fee. The PPD, which is required by the NC Real Estate Commission, outlines Education Provider policies plus the rights and obligations of the Provider and the student. A signed certification that a student received a copy of the PPD must be retained by the Provider.


Course Offerings:
360training.com, Inc. conducts:

  • The annual Continuing Education courses needed to maintain a real estate license on active status.

Broker Continuing Education Courses:
Purpose of the Continuing Education Program:

The primary objective of the mandatory Continuing Education Program is to help assure that licensees possess the knowledge, skills, and competency necessary to function in the real estate business in a manner that protects and serves real estate consumers and the public interest.

Per G.S.93A-38.5, brokers must complete eight (8) credit hours of instruction annually in subjects approved by the Commission in order to retain eligibility to actively engage in real estate brokerage. Per Commission Rule 58A .1702, the eight hours must be comprised of an Update course and four credit hours of elective courses.

Course Description(s):
All North Carolina approved Continuing Education courses can be found on the 360training.com, Inc. website here.

Course Materials:
360training.com, Inc will provide each student access to course materials upon enrollment. As per North Carolina Real Estate Commission Rule 58H .0404(c), you are required to complete this course within 30 days of registration or by June 10th of each year. Courses will not be offered or allowed to be accessed from June 11th through June 30th of each year.

Eligibility Requirements for Course Completion Certificate:
To receive credit for this approved continuing education course, students must:

  • Complete 100 percent of the instructional hours of the course.
  •  Provide his or her legal name and license number to the education provider.
  • Present his or her pocket card or photo identification card, if necessary.
  • Personally perform all work required to complete the course.

Registration, Enrollment, and Conduct
Please read our Terms and Conditions.

JOB PLACEMENT DISCLAIMER. 360 does not guarantee job placement upon enrollment, use, or completion of any 360 course.

Students enrolled in our online programs must complete the course, pass all the activities/exercises, and achieve the required mastery/grade on all lessons and final assessments to receive a certificate of course completion.

Course Cancellation or Rescheduling / Refunds:
The 360 refund policy is located here, and is hereby incorporated into this Agreement.

I certify that I received a copy of 360training.com’s Policies & Procedures Disclosure prior to payment of any non-refundable course registration fee or tuition.

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We’ve been trusted by millions of learners to provide their regulatory-approved training.


You get simple to follow course content that you can access anytime, anywhere.


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