South Carolina Real Estate Continuing Education Courses
100% Online, Access 24/7
Mobile-Friendly, Self-Paced Format
SCREC-approved Provider ID #1042

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Complete South Carolina Continuing Education Coursework Online
Every 2 years, the South Carolina Real Estate Commission (SCREC) requires 10 hours of real estate continuing education (CE) with an approved provider (like us!).
Our online coursework is self-paced and convenient. Study from home or on your phone, stop and start when you need to, and never lose your place.
Meet Real Estate CE Requirements
In South Carolina, everyone's CE must include 4 "core" hours.
SCREC designs the curriculum for their mandatory "core" course to educate you on important areas of license law and practice. The "core" curriculum changes every 48 months so that you learn something new during each renewal.
If you're a Broker-in-Charge (BIC), you're required to fill another 4 hours with a course on the duties and responsibilities of your position.
All other continuing education hours should be SCREC-approved electives. That's 2 elective hours for Brokers-in-Charge, and 6 elective hours for everyone else.
Note: Continuing Education Requirements are due during the open renewal period (April-June of the expiry year).
Take Elective Courses that Interest You
We have plenty of approved electives for you to choose from a la carte. Find an interesting or useful topic and dive right in!
Need to Know
What You Get
Certificate of completion
Course Format
100% online, available 24/7
Required Pre-Requisites
SC Real Estate License
Course Structure
At your own pace, save progress as you go
Renewal Requirements
10 hours every 2 years
Course Update
Content is updated and current
Regulatory Information
South Carolina Real Estate Commission (SCREC)
Phone: 803-896-4400
Fax: 803-896-4404
Website URL: https://llr.sc.gov/re/
Email Address: Contact.REC@llr.sc.gov
Address: Synergy Business Park 110 Centerview Dr., Suite 201
City: Columbia
State: SC
Zip: 29210
How do I know you're a SCREC-approved course provider?
Our SCREC Provider ID is #1042.
Who is exempt from continuing education requirements?
If you're licensed as a Property Manager, Property Manager in Charge, or Timeshare Salesperson, SCREC's continuing education requirements don't apply to you.
"Inactive" Salesperson, Broker, or Broker-in-Charge licensees don't need to take CE until they reactivate their license.
Under some other conditions, you may also be partially or fully exempt from CE requirements – you can find the full list on SCREC's website.
How fast can I get through Continuing Education courses?
You're limited to 8 hours of coursework a day, so it will take at least 2 days to complete your full required CE.
What is the deadline for completing my continuing education courses?
Licenses expire on June 30th two years after your licensure or last renewal. If you fail to complete your CE before your license expires, you'll only be able to renew in "inactive" status. You'll have to meet your CE requirement to reactivate.