Posted On: February 7, 2018

What is ABC?

The Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control was created by constitutional amendment effective January 1, 1955, as an independent department of the executive branch of the State government.

Today, the department holds an exclusive power, in accordance with laws enacted, to license and regulate the manufacture, importation, and sale of alcoholic beverages in California. It also has the power for a good cause to deny, suspend or revoke any specific alcoholic beverage license.

What is the California RBS On and Off-Premise Training? 

Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) training is required place to ensure public safety in the state of California. ABC recommends workers in establishments that sell or serve alcohol complete a Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) training program through an approved RBS training provider such as

This program aims to reduce the number of alcohol-related incidents by prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages to intoxicated individuals and minors.


California RBS Alcohol Training (On-Premise)

Credit Hours: 3

Learn regulations & strategies for legal alcohol sales & to keep customers safe.


Is it required to complete RBS training in California?

Since July 1, 2022, alcohol servers have been required to complete an RBS training program. "Alcohol servers" includes employees of on-sale licensees who serve alcoholic beverages, any person who supervises or manages such an employee, and a designee for alcoholic beverage sales and service pursuant to obtaining a temporary license.

How long will the license be valid?

It can be completed in 3 hours, and the certificate of completion can be obtained from the approved training provider.      

How much is this training?

You can check the price of our California RBS course here. Enroll today!

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