How to Complete Your Cal OSHA Training Certification
When it comes to safety, workers and employers in California need to be mindful of more than just federal OSHA regulations. In addition, you need to understand your rights and responsibilities under the state.
Cal/OSHA is a program that sets standards for the health and safety of workers in the state. To acquire your Cal OSHA certification, you need to take and online Cal OSHA 10-hour Training course. This guide and detailed infographic has everything you need to know to ace your Cal OSHA exam and earn the certification.
3 Steps to Acing Your Cal OSHA Exam
Study the Content
By studying the content thoroughly beforehand you can increase your chances of passing the course and exam. The Cal/OSHA manual has everything you need to know about the course so you should read it through till the end. Scanning the content is not advisable since you may miss important information.
Use Your Resources
You may be able to learn the study material with visual or auditory cues. Determine your personal learning style and use it to your benefit. Besides reading, make use of additional resources such as videos and articles on Cal/OSHA. This will support your learning and you may learn something new that isn’t in the manual.
Read up on Employer Responsibilities
Under the Cal/OSHA Act, employers have to create, submit and implement an Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP). These are based on a common set of key elements you need to be aware of before taking the course and exam. Employer responsibilities under an IIPP include:
- Correcting hazardous conditions that may cause accidents in the workplace
- Remaining aware of common workplace hazards
- Complying with applicable Cal/OSHA standards such as training requirements
As such this includes the following areas:
- Responsibility
- Compliance
- Communication
- Hazard Assessment
- Accident Investigation
- Hazard Correction
- Training and Instruction
- Record-keeping practices
These were just some of the things you need to brush up on to acing and getting Cal/OSHA training and certification. To pass the exam with flying colors, sign up for a training course.
Get Your 10 Hour Cal OSHA Training Today
The 10 hour Cal OSHA training course is designed to aid students in understanding potential hazards in the workplace and how to avoid them. Sign up for the course today.