2 Easy Tips to Prepare for Extreme Weather

Posted On: February 26, 2014
Prepare for Extreme Weather
Prepare for Extreme WeatherSince most of the US is still in the midst of some pretty intense winter weather and we are moving towards the severe weather season, I want to share 2 simple preparedness ideas that we have all heard many times before—but tend to forget until severe weather is imminent: 1) Have a plan.  Don't just plan for the tornado or hurricane or snow-apocalypse.  Plan for them all! Your plan doesn't have to be super complicated or expensive.  Knowing where to go, when to go, and when to stay could be the difference in keeping yourself, your family, and even your pets safe and healthy. The site ready.gov highlights the importance of being one step ahead: "Every state in the U.S. has experienced tornadoes and severe weather, and although some more than others, everyone is at risk. You can take steps to prepare for when severe weather strikes in your area. Knowing the most common weather hazards in your area, your vulnerability, and what actions you should take can save your life and others."  2) Have an emergency disaster kit.  Your kit should include items like non-perishable food, water, a battery-powered or hand-crank radio, extra flashlights, and batteries. You may want to prepare a portable kit and keep it in your car in case you are told to evacuate. Visit ready.gov for more info on specific types of severe weather preparedness tips.

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