Real Estate Social Media Marketing Tips

Posted On: November 29, 2023
real estate social media

As a new real estate agent or a real estate agent new to social media marketing, diving into a professional social media presence can feel intimidating. There's also an overwhelming amount of information on how to do it "right" available on the web. 

In this blog, we've gathered the most practical tips for creating a solid foundation for your social media marketing efforts so you can skip the tedious work of going through the never-ending information available. 

How to Leverage Social Media for Real Estate 

Here are 12 tips to get you started and set you up for success


If you practice commercial real estate or work primarily with investor clientele, then LinkedIn is important. 

However, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok should be staples for most agents. Facebook provides a broad reach, while Instagram and TikTok help you reach a younger demographic. 

Here’s a detailed breakdown of how each of these social media platforms offer advantages to your real estate career: 


  • Broad Reach: Facebook has a large user base, allowing real estate agents to reach a diverse and extensive audience.
  • Targeted Advertising: It offers sophisticated ad targeting options, enabling agents to reach specific demographics, locations, and interests.
  • Community Building: Agents can build communities through pages and groups, fostering trust and engagement. 


  • Visual Appeal: As a visually driven platform, Instagram is perfect for showcasing properties through high-quality images and videos.
  • Younger Demographics: It's popular among younger audiences, which is beneficial for agents targeting first-time homebuyers.
  • Storytelling Features: Features like Stories and Reels allow for creative and engaging ways to present listings and share insights.


  • Viral Potential: TikTok's algorithm can make content go viral, providing significant exposure.
  • Engaging Content: Its short video format is ideal for capturing attention quickly with virtual tours, tips, and property showcases.
  • Trend Participation: Agents can participate in trends, making their content more relatable and shareable.

Together, these platforms provide a comprehensive approach to online marketing, reaching a wide range of potential clients with engaging content. 


You should be thorough and strategic when you set up your social media accounts and fill out your profiles. 

Your profile is often the first point of contact with potential clients. A well-optimized profile presents a professional image and builds credibility. Optimized profiles rank better in platform searches and can also impact search engine results, making it easier for potential clients to find you.

Fill in every section of your profiles with current and relevant information. This includes your bio, contact details, and links to your website or other social media accounts. Make sure to include relevant keywords in your bio and profile descriptions to improve searchability. Think about what terms potential clients might use to find services like yours.

Additionally, always include a link to your website. This drives traffic to your site and provides a direct way for potential clients to learn more about your services. 

Moreover, craft a compelling and clear bio that succinctly explains what you do and what value you offer to clients.

Check out our step-by-step detailed guide on setting up your professional Facebook page for maximum visibility and conversion. Instagram is similar, though streamlined.


Everything you do on your business account should be geared toward your success in selling property.

Depending on where you are in your career, your social media goals and activities will be most productive if they directly address:

  • Establishing authority and trust with your target market audience
  • Driving traffic to your website to open opportunities for remarketing
  • Increasing conversion (turning traffic and engagement into high-quality leads)
  • Nurturing relationships with past clients for referrals and repeat business 


Your social media's ultimate goal? Conversion.

Transform your online presence into a lead-generating powerhouse. On Facebook, that includes:

  • Activating and experimenting with the CTA button at the top of your page
  • Linking to high-conversion landing pages on your website
  • Using the cover photo banner to drive lead submission to either of the above methods
  • Setting up Messenger for your business
  • Running ads that drive lead submission

Speaking of advertising…


Maximize your advertising investment on Facebook for significant ROI.

Focus on targeted ads that resonate with your audience. Experiment and track the performance to continuously refine your approach. Remember, effective social advertising isn't about spending more; it's about spending smart. 

With modest budgets and precise targeting, the returns are significant. Similar strategies apply to Instagram, leveraging the same ad setup interface. 


We've been focusing on lead generation so far because many real estate agents need to remember to account for it in their social media presence. To make the time you spend on social media productive, you must understand and deploy strategies for gathering leads. 

But most of your posts and interactions on social media will NOT directly promote business. Experts recommend no more than one in 5 – also known as the 80-20 rule

That means 80% of your content on social media should be helpful and relevant to your target audience, with no direct benefit to you. You can promote yourself, your services, and your listings in the remaining 20%.

The goal of this strategy is to engage potential clients, build trust, and prove your expertise. This approach is about playing the long game, cultivating familiarity and trust so that when potential clients are in the market for an agent, your name is already familiar to them.


One of your social media goals should be to prove that your services are worth having.

Position yourself as the indispensable real estate authority on social media. Share a blend of market insights, home improvement tips, and local real estate trends to showcase your depth of knowledge. Tailor your content to answer common questions and address the unique needs of your audience. 

By consistently providing valuable information, you become the go-to expert, building trust and credibility that pays dividends when clients decide to take the next step in their real estate journey.


Property listings are an important part of the promotional 20% of your content. Use your social media platform to highlight your triumphs and the trust you've earned from clients. 

Share success stories and the joyful moments of clients finding their dream homes. You can do this with posts like:

  • Testimonials from happy clients, especially those that reveal specific value propositions
  • Closing photos or posts to congratulate new homeowners and celebrate successful sales
  • Sharing clients' posts about their new home (with permission)
  • Celebrating your milestones, like your 50th closing or 10th year in the business
  • Celebrating or sharing clients' milestones (with permission)

These authentic glimpses into your professional achievements not only demonstrate your capability but also foster a sense of trust and reliability. 

Celebrating these milestones not only recognizes your hard work but also reassures potential clients of your commitment to achieving their real estate goals.


In the interconnected world of real estate, building strong professional relationships is key. 

Use your social platforms to celebrate collaborations, acknowledge the contributions of industry peers like home stagers and mortgage brokers, and share content that highlights the synergy of working together. 

These actions not only enrich your professional network but also demonstrate to your audience the comprehensive and collaborative nature of your service. 

By nurturing these connections and showcasing them on social media, you establish yourself as a well-connected, resourceful professional, integral to a wider real estate community.


Transform your social media into a captivating visual narrative. Emphasize high-quality images, engaging videos, and creative infographics to tell the story of your listings and expertise. 

Each visual should not only be eye-catching but also convey a meaningful aspect of your real estate journey, whether it's showcasing a stunning property or illustrating market trends. 

This approach not only increases engagement but also allows your audience to visually connect with your brand, making your social media presence memorable and impactful. 

However, learning how to leverage this concept as a professional – and without breaking the law – can be a little trickier. Here are some tips:

  • Source any photos from the internet through a reputable stock site. Look for creative commons or licenses that allow commercial use. Don't just grab something off a website and use it – you may have copyright infringement problems.
  • If you find news articles or resources with interesting data, you can create infographics using several online tools. Just remember to credit the original source.
  • Make real estate quotes and testimonials visual by dressing them up with fonts, colors, and backgrounds. This ability is native to Facebook now, but you can also use online graphics-generating tools.
  • Videos are even better than images. Aside from sharing helpful videos from third parties, consider virtual open houses, live sessions, and other self-produced video content.
  • Make videos and images accessible to everyone by using closed captioning and alt-text. 


Elevate your social media strategy by analyzing the data. Dive into the analytics provided by your business accounts to understand your audience's preferences and behaviors.

Business accounts on social media give you access to all kinds of metrics and analytics. You'll want to examine and adjust your behavior based on data in areas like:

  • Who your followers are
  • What types of posts are most popular, and with who
  • How to improve the effectiveness of your CTAs
  • What ad types perform the best
  • What audience parameters produce the best advertising ROI
  • How to optimize your ad budgets and campaign durations
  • Which lead magnets perform best
  • How to make your landing pages more effective
  • How to make your remarketing campaigns more effective 

Use these insights to refine your content strategy, optimize ad campaigns, and enhance engagement. 

Moreover, learn from your marketing mistakes, experiment with new methods, and have objective measures for determining which strategies work best. 


This one isn't exactly a social media marketing tip, but it's the key to making your social media efforts worthwhile.

Every lead is a golden opportunity in the real estate world. Why? Gaining new leads can be one of the most expensive and effort-intensive pieces of your sales funnel. That's why you should do everything you can to convert that lead into a sale once you have it. Otherwise, you're throwing away the opportunities you worked so hard to find. 

Focus on nurturing these potential connections into trusting relationships. Employ strategic follow-ups, and personalized communication, and provide value at every interaction. 

Your goal is to convert leads not just into clients but into long-term relationships. This approach not only maximizes the potential of each lead but also lays the groundwork for referrals and repeat business, turning your social media efforts into a sustainable source of growth for your real estate practice.

Get Started With 360training  

The secret to marketing yourself on social media as a real estate agent is selling yourself and your expertise before you even consider selling a property. Self-education is the key to making your product valuable to clients.

But how can you make sure you have the necessary education and knowledge to even begin? You need to make sure you sign up for your real estate courses with a top real estate education provider. 

With over 25 years of experience providing online real estate education, Agent Campus Real Estate School by 360training provides you with convenient, effective, and efficient Real Estate Continuing Education and Real Estate Pre-License Courses

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