What TABC can teach parents about Alcohol Consumption
TABC or the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission is a public agency in the state which is responsible for the inspection, taxation, production and regulation of alcohol. The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code:
Supervises, inspects and regulates the making, exportation, transport, storage, possession and distribution of alcoholic beverages
- Grants, suspends or cancels permits for licenses in the industry
- Collects taxes and charges
- Seizes illicit alcoholic beverages being sold on premise
- Investigations TABC violations
- Helps in the prosecution of violators
- Passes relevant rules to assist agencies
- Approves standards pertaining to size, quality and labels for containers for alcoholic beverages in the state.
- More susceptible to violent crimes
- More likely to suffer from anxiety and depression later in life.
- Likely to try and commit suicide
- Likely to become alcoholics as adults
- Engage in unprotected sex or have multiple sexual partners.
Underage drinking is a widespread problem in the US in general.. Click To Tweet
Out of all of those issues, underage drinking and driving is the most dangerous consequence of underage drinking, so much so that some states have special regulations in place. In Texas for instance, there is no blood alcohol limit taken into account for minors. In other words, if any traces of alcohol are apparent in an underage driver’s blood, it is unlawful. The first offense is worth $500 in fines and the perpetrators have to take an alcohol awareness class as well. This also includes 20 to 40 hours of community service and 2 month license suspension. If the offense is repeated, they will get additional classes and their driver’s license will be suspended for 120 days. A 3rd offense includes an extended license suspension, a heftier fine and jail time. As a parent, you can prevent your kids from going down this road by nipping the issue in the bud. Start in their preteen or teen years so that they don’t develop a dependency. Teenagers who don’t have alcohol problems are less likely to commit crimes, have unprotected sex and develop good coping skills which will serve them well in life. Establishing and maintaining family traditions and rituals can go a long way in giving your children structure. In other words, if they are happier and satisfied at home, they won’t turn to alcohol. Talk to them openly and honestly about the dangers of underage drinking and assure them that they can come and talk to you about anything concerning it. This is important during teen years when peer pressure might compel them to try alcohol too early. Texas Food Handler + TABC Certification Package As a restaurant or bar owner/server in Texas, you have a responsibility to your customers when it comes to their safety. This includes ensuring they don’t drink and drive after leaving the establishment. 360Training.com’s Texas Food Handler + TABC Certification Package training program is designed to help students learn about the laws pertaining to the sale or service or alcoholic beverages to minors and intoxicated individuals. This includes recognizing the effects of alcohol, how to prevent patrons from getting too intoxicated, how to intervene in a sale, how to recognize minors etc. Sign up for a course today to pass the certification exam.