Exposed To Asbestos

Asbestos refers to silicate materials that are fibrous in texture and which can be found naturally. While it does have some beneficial uses (such as thermal insulation and reinforcement due to its high tensile strength) it can be harmful on contact. Since this material is fibrous, it gets airborne very easily if it is dislodged. Those fibers are small enough to be inhaled and can damage the lungs over a long period of time.
If you’ve been a part of the construction industry, there’s a good chance that you’ve heard or even had firsthand encounter with asbestos. After all, despite being labeled toxic to humans in the late 1930s, some firms continued the use of this mineral in small and developing countries. Eventually, behind years of research and clinical studies, countries started to ban or strictly regulate the use of the mineral due to its carcinogenic and toxic properties.

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