5 Tips on Writing Thank You Letters that Win Job Offers

Once you've nailed the job interview and you've impressed the potential employer, it's important to follow up your interview with a thank you letter.
Good manners can make the difference between landing the job of your dreams and getting passed over for another candidate. In today's competitive job market, it's important to do everything you can to make an impression—and that includes sending a thank you email for allowing you to be interviewed for the position.
Be Sincere in Your Email
If you learned the names of the people who interviewed you, make sure that you sincerely thank them in your email. Make it a point to know who was there and mention people casually in your email.
Be sincere in your email without being too emotional or fake in your communication. A simple "thank you for taking the time to interview me for the position, I enjoyed getting to know you all" shows that you are interested, without being too pushy about getting the job.
Triple Check Your Email for Grammar and Spelling Mistakes
While this seems like an obvious word of advice, few people take the time to triple-check emails for spelling and grammar mistakes. This is direct communication with a potential employer.
Don't mess up your chances of getting a job just because of a glaring typo error. Future employers notice sloppy grammar right away—and this won't make a good impression.
Send Your Email in a Timely Manner
Don’t wait long to send out a thank you email to potential employers. Take a few minutes to compose a reasonable-sounding email after your interview—and send it within a few hours of your interview.
You want your potential employer to know that you are prompt and that you are serious about getting the job they are offering.
If You're a Poor Writer, Ask for Help
Not everyone is good at crafting what they want to say in an email. If you don't believe that you have strong writing skills, ask a friend to review the thank you letter template that you have written.
Get feedback on how you can improve your thank you letter—and find ways to customize your template depending on the nature of your job interviews.
Be Yourself in the Email Response
While you may need some help in writing a thank you email, it's also important to be yourself. Sending an overly scholarly email may come across as stuffy—especially when you are not the kind of person who writes or speaks in that manner. Learn to balance being professional and being yourself at the same time.
Finding your own voice when you contact a potential employer isn't as difficult as it may seem. Just keep writing—or typing—and eventually, you’re going to learn the ins and outs of the process. A simple thank you goes a long way. Follow 360training.com’s blog for more tips on how you can land your dream job!