About this Package
The Combined Cycle Series package consists of 46 half-hour courses that make up a complete training solution for the following topics:
- Gas Turbine
- Heat Recovery Steam Generators
- Balance of Plant
- Steam Turbines
- Electrical Power Generation Distribution
- Power Plant Efficiency
- Combined Cycle Fundamentals
Package Facts
What You Get
Certificate of completion
Course Hours
23 hours
Learning Type
100% Online, Available 24/7
Course Structure
At your own pace, save progress as you go
Support available by email, phone, or chat
Course Update
Content is updated and current
Package Includes
- Air Inlet Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Auxiliary Steam Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Balance of Plant Basics
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Boiler Water Chemistry
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Combined Cycle Major Components
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Combined Cycle Plant Overview
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Combined Cycle Theory of Operations
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Combustion Controls and Continuous Emissions Monitoring
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Combustion Section Training
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Compressed Air Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Compressed Gas Systems Training
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Compressor Section Training
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Condensers
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Cooling Water Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Demineralized Water Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Duct Burners and Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Fire Protection Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Fuel Support Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Fuel Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Gas Turbine Basics Training
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Gas Turbine Bearings Training
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Gas Turbine Hydraulic Oil Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Gas Turbine Lubricating and Lift Oil Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Generator Basics Training
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Generator Cooling Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Gland Seal Steam Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Heat Rate Basics
Duration Hours: 0.5
- High-Pressure Steam Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- HRSG Basics
Duration Hours: 0.5
- HRSG Drum and Blowdown Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Low-Pressure Steam Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Major Components Effect on Heat Rate
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Processed Water Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Reheat and Intermediate-Pressure Steam Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Reverse Osmosis Water Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Seal Oil Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Gas Turbine Starting Packages Training
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Steam Plant Water Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Steam Turbine Basics Training
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Steam Turbine Bearings Training
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Steam Turbine Hydraulic Oil Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Steam Turbine Lubricating Oil Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Switchyards and Power Distribution Lines
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Turbine Section Training
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Wastewater Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
- Water Wash Systems
Duration Hours: 0.5
When do my courses expire?
Your courses will expire one (1) year after you purchase them (the date you submit payment), unless the course itself indicates otherwise.
For more information about course expiration dates, please read our Terms of Use.
What if I need a refund for my training course?
If for some reason you are not happy and would like a refund, send us a request within 72 hours of purchase. Here are the eligibility requirements you must meet:
- Your purchase was made no more than 72 hours prior to your refund request.
- You have NOT:
- Attempted any portion of a test or exam.
- Requested or been issued a certificate of completion.
- Completed 50% or more of the purchased course.
If you meet all of these criteria, submit your refund request in writing via email to support@360training.com with a proof-of-purchase receipt and an explanation for why you are requesting a refund.
You can find more information about our refund policy here.
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