Introduction to Property and Casualty and the Insurance Contract

Learn about Property and Casualty Insurance: types, structure, industry regulation, key elements of the contract, and more.

Includes: Certificate of Completion

Approval: #11775

Credit Type: Property and Casualty

Credit: 6 Hour(s) | Language: English

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About this Course

This course will introduce you to the basic principles of insurance, including the concept of risk, the different types of risk, and techniques in managing risk. It will introduce you to several basic elements and terms used in the insurance industry.

The course will focus on explaining the insurance contract by introducing and reviewing its various parts, including: the elements, characteristics, and parts of a contract, as well as various policy organizations.

It will also lesson focus on the insurance transaction. The transaction includes such things as the application process, how the policy is selected, underwritten, and rated. This section will also review some of the legal requirements of applicants and the insurance company, with respect to the insurance transaction.

Regulatory Information

Name:Nevada Division of Insurance
Website URL:
Address:1818 E.College Parkway, Suite 103
City:Carson City

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