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Ladder and Stairway Safety

Stairways and ladders are major sources of construction injuries and fatalities.

Our 'Ladder and Stairway Safety' course covers Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety guidelines for stairway and ladder use on the job. It will give you a comprehensive understanding of OSHA standards regarding stairway and ladder safety and prevention and elimination of work-related injuries and fatalities due to stairways and ladders in construction. You will also learn how to design, construct, inspect, and maintain stairways and ladders for construction.

Below are the learning objectives of our 'Ladder and Stairway Safety' course:

  • Discuss OSHA standards related to stairways and ladders.
  • Discover methods of protection concerning stairways and ladder hazards.
  • Explore safety guidelines and requirements of stairways and ladders used at construction sites.
  • Explain training and other essential factors associated with stairways and ladders.

The course has (3) three lessons covering the topics below:

Lesson 1: OSHA Standards and Stairways

  • OSHA Standards
  • Stairways
  • Stair rails and Handrails

Lesson 2: Ladders and Training

  • About Ladders
  • Training

Lesson 3: Safety Measures

  • General Requirements
  • Design, Construction, Maintenance, and Inspection

You will be required to take and pass the ‘Quiz Assessments’ and ‘Post Assessment’ (Final Exam) by achieving a passing score of 70% or above to successfully complete the course. Once you finish your course, you can print your certificate of completion right away. Please click here for further details on how to access your certificate upon completion.

To enroll for the course, click here.

If you need information on bulk pricing or group enrollments, you may email our Sales Department at or dial (888) 360 8764 to be better assisted. If you are already enrolled and need further assistance with the course, you may email us at support@360training.comchat with us live or call us at (877) 881-2235. We are open from 8AM CST to 8PM CST, Mondays through Fridays.

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