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How many attempts will I be given to pass the Module Quiz (Lesson Assessment)?

You are required to take and pass each Module Quiz (Lesson Assessment) to proceed forward to the next Module. There is a total of 10 questions in each Module Quiz (Lesson Assessment). All questions must be answered during a single sitting and you are not allowed to pause or resume the assessment. You may review the content of the specific Module prior to taking the assessment by using the 'Course Outline'.

The Module Quiz (Lesson Assessment) allows a maximum of (3) three attempts. If you fail any Module Quiz (Lesson Assessment) (3) three times, the course will put you back at the beginning of that specific Module and you will have to retake it before attempting again the Module Quiz (Lesson Assessment).

For further questions and clarifications, feel free to contact our Support Team at (877) 881-2235 or send an email to

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