Every Underground Storage Tank (UST) facility requires to have at least one trained Operator in each of the three classes:

  1. Class A Operator - An individual who is required to have general knowledge of the requirements of all applicable UST regulations and is typically a facility owner or manager.
  2. Class B Operator - An individual who is required to ensure the implementation of all applicable UST regulatory requirements at a facility and to ensure the implementation of the day to day aspects of facility operation, maintenance and recordkeeping.  In addition, the designated Class B Operator for a facility is responsible for the training of all Class C Operators at that facility.
  3. Class C Operator - An individual, typically a clerk, who controls the dispensing of fuel and is responsible for initial response to emergencies.

Class A and Class B operators must complete a Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) approved operator training course or process. Courses or processes may include in-person or on-line training performed by, contracted for, or approved by the TCEQ, and must include an evaluation of operator knowledge through testing, practical demonstration, or other tools deemed acceptable by the TCEQ.

The training of Class C Operators is facility specific and is the responsibility of the Class B Operator/s of a facility. Class C Operator Training programs must meet minimum requirements specified in TCEQ rule and may include in-class, hands-on, on-line or any other training format deemed acceptable by the Class B Operator.

For more information, you may visit this link: https://www.tceq.texas.gov/agency/pst_cert.html or contact the TCEQ at 512-239-2200 or PSTTECH@tceq.texas.gov