On your initial purchase of the Learn2Serve Food Protection Manager Certification Exam, you are given two (2) attempts to pass it.
If your first attempt is not successful, you will need to contact 360training.com support to get assistance with scheduling your second attempt. (Please call 360training.com Support at 877-881-2235)
For your second attempt, 360training.com will re-submit your details to PSI. PSI will then send you an email informing you that you are eligible to set your schedule for the exam. You may then go to your PSI online account to set your exam schedule.
If your second attempt is not successful, you may take the exam the third time. However, there will be a $25.00 PSI testing fee that you need to pay. Please call 360training.com Support for assistance at 877-881-2235.
If your third attempt is not successful, you will need to repurchase the exam (inclusive of 2 attempts).
IMPORTANT: There are only two sets of Learn2Serve Food Protection Manager Certification Exam published every quarter of a year. If you have taken both sets of the exam within the same quarter, you may need to wait for 60 to 90 days or until the new set of exams are published.