Our Food Safety Manager Training Course is an approved "Additional Food Safety Training" for the state of Washington. This course will qualify you for a 5-year renewal card if taken within 2 years before your renewal.
You must first obtain your initial food worker card before you can qualify for a 5-year Renewal Food Worker Card. To qualify for issuance of an initial food worker card, an applicant must demonstrate his/her knowledge on safe food handling practices by satisfactorily completing an examination conducted by the local health officer. Local health departments offer the food worker training, test, and card, and your card is valid throughout the State.
All initial cards are valid for two years from the date of issuance. Before the card expires, you must take the food safety training class and pass the exam again for you to be able to get a renewal cards. You may receive a 5-year renewal food worker card if you can show that you have had "Additional Food Safety Training" within the past 2 years.
Please see the below links for further details:
Food Worker Card in Washington: http://www.doh.wa.gov/CommunityandEnvironment/Food/FoodWorkerandIndustry/FoodWorkerCard
‘Additional Food Safety Training’ for WA Food Workers:http://www.doh.wa.gov/CommunityandEnvironment/Food/FoodWorkerandIndustry/FoodWorkerCard/AdditionalFoodSafetyTraining
Local Health Department Food Safety Contacts: http://www.doh.wa.gov/CommunityandEnvironment/Food/LocalFoodSafetyContactsoodWorkerandIndustry/FoodWorkerCard/AdditionalFoodSafetyTraining