Upon completing your GA Post License course, we will report your credits to GREC within 5 days. However, if your license has lapsed for education, we cannot report your credits to the State and you will be required to reinstate your license.
If your license has lapsed for education, you may reinstate your license by submitting a ‘Reinstate License Lapsed for POST Education’ application form and your Certificate of Completion. You can get a copy of the said application form from GREC site for free or through this link: http://www.grec.state.ga.us/PDFS/RealEstate/GRECReinstateEduc.pdf. However, you can only perform the mentioned reinstatement process above if you have met these two conditions:
· Enrolled in the Sales Postlicense Course within your first year of licensure
· Completed that course within six (6) months of the due date
If you failed to meet either of the two conditions, and your license has been lapsed for less than 5 years, you must either submit the mentioned application form and applicable fee OR retake and pass the state qualifying examination for a salesperson's license.
Please feel free to contact Georgia Real Estate Commission for further questions and you may want to visit their FAQ’s through this link: http://www.greab.state.ga.us/faq/faqmain.html