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Which Course Should I Take?

If you're not sure what type of training you need, on-premise training targets those serving alcohol in establishments, whereas off-premise training is for those selling alcohol for consumption elsewhere.

On-Premise Training
Off-Premise Training
Individual Course

Alcohol Seller-Server Training (Off-Premise)

Enroll in training now to learn how to responsibly sell alcohol off-premises.

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On-Premise Training
Off-Premise Training
Individual Course

Alcohol Seller-Server Training (On-Premise)

Sign up today to get trained on how to safely serve alcohol on-premises.

View Full Details
On-Premise Training
Off-Premise Training

* This state regulates alcohol training for the sale and service of alcohol or requires state-approved training for certain roles. This course meets state alcohol training requirements. Review your state regulations to ensure you complete the correct course for your role.

NOTE: Spanish Seller-Server Training is not valid in Arkansas. The two courses above are valid.


How do I get my Arkansas responsible alcohol server certificate?

Getting your responsible alcohol service training in Arkansas is easy. Simply complete a state-approved program and pass the final exam. You'll get a certificate of completion right away. Give a copy to your employer for their records, and that's it!

Enroll in our Arkansas-approved alcohol server training course today to get started!

Does Arkansas law require responsible alcohol server training?

Responsible alcohol server training isn't required by state law.

However, many employers in Arkansas require it. That's because it limits their liability if an employee sells to someone they shouldn't.

Under Arkansas Code (ACA) § 3-4-801 to 807, the Arkansas Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Board oversees a program known as the Responsible Permittee Program. The program is voluntary, but the ABC Board takes responsible permittee certification into account when deciding penalties and fines for a violation of liquor law. Program participation leads to reduced penalties and fines.

To earn this status, permittees need to:

  • Attend an ABC Board-certified training course, like the one we provide at Learn2Serve by 360training
  • Require each employee involved in alcohol sales to complete the same course within 30 days of starting employment
  • Maintain records of employee training

What is Arkansas Responsible Permittee Training?

Responsible permittee training is any Arkansas-certified course that covers:

  • The dangers of drinking and driving
  • State laws regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption, off-premises consumption, or both
  • Methods and procedures for recognizing, dealing with, and refusing sale to underage and/or intoxicated customers
  • Any other matters deemed appropriate by the Arkansas ABC Board

How long does responsible alcohol server certification last?

Responsible permittee certification needs to be renewed annually, but the statute doesn't specify requirements for training renewal. Check with your employer or local liquor authority to make sure you follow their requirements.

Why should I take Arkansas alcohol server training?

Many employers in Arkansas will require alcohol server training due to the mitigating benefits of the Responsible Permittee Program.

That's important because criminal penalties can be stiff for selling alcohol to a minor in Arkansas. If the sale is accidental, it carries fines up to $2,500 and/or up to a year in prison. Knowingly selling to a minor can lead to fines up to $10,000 and/or 3-5 years in prison.

In Arkansas, you're also subject to civil liability for selling alcohol to a minor or clearly intoxicated person. If that person goes on to injure another person, you could be on the hook for damages.

That's important because Arkansas has a significantly higher rate of drunk driving fatalities than the national average. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a total of 1,769 people were killed in crashes involving a drunk driver in Arkansas from 2003 to 2012.

Program certification doesn't just reduce your employer's consequences for breaking ABC laws. Taking alcohol server education reduces the likelihood that you'll break the law in the first place.

Even if your employer doesn't require it, you might consider Arkansas-approved alcohol server training to reduce your criminal and civil liability.

What jobs can I get with my responsible alcohol server certificate?

There are many different kinds of jobs that are affected by the Responsible Permittee Program, including any position that involves serving or selling alcohol for on-premises or off-premises consumption.

If you want to bartend or wait tables in a bar, restaurant, or other business with a liquor license, you'll probably need responsible server training. The same goes for working as a sales clerk at a liquor store, grocery store, or convenience store. The managers or supervisors of any of these positions would also need to maintain a server license.

If you’re curious about how much money you can expect to make, here is some basic wage data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for bartenders and barbacks in Arkansas.

Job Title Average Hourly Wage Average Yearly Wage
Bartender $10.16 $21,140
Bartender Helper (Barback) $10.00 $20,790

Where can I get more information about alcohol training in Arkansas?

You can find more information about alcohol sales on the Arkansas ABC Board’s website.

If you are looking for more course-specific information from us check out our Arkansas-approved alcohol server training.

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