360training has a formal policy on appeals procedures for Candidates questioning eligibility or any part of the accredited certificate program. Decisions by the Director Regulatory & Compliance may be appealed by the aggrieved party by filing a Notice of Appeal to the Management Committee. The course provides a "Support" tab at the bottom left. Candidates should contact Customer Support with their concerns and a representative will offer to send an official form to them. This “Notice of Appeal or Complaint” form must be emailed to the address given on the form.
The Customer Support Representative will be responsible for the direct involvement and handling of the complaint/appeal with the learner and be the primary point of contact between the learner and the program. The Director Regulatory & Compliance will address the appeals/complaints individually and if necessary, discussions will be put on the agenda and presented to the Management Committee when they next meet. The results of the appeal will be communicated in writing to the candidate.
Should the Customer have an issue with the results of an appeal, the issue will be brought to our Oversight Committee who will then hand down a final decision with regards to the issue.
The Customer Support Representative will be the only individual involved in the issue of a complaint as well as for any decisions being appealed. Thus, a level of separation is created as the Director Regulatory & Compliance, Management Committee, & Oversight Committee who will be responsible for the complaint’s resolution and for the appeals determination. Timeline for responding to any complaint/appeal received is within fifteen (15) Business Days.