OSHA Connecticut Online Training

To stay safe at work, you need to understand federal OSHA standards, as well as Connecticut safety regulations. To assist you, we’ve compiled this resource that includes information on OSHA Connecticut training requirements, benefits of safety training, statistics on fatal injuries and accidents, and how you can easily get your OSHA training online.

Occupational Safety and Health Jurisdiction in Connecticut

Connecticut is one of 26 states (and 2 U.S. territories) that have an official state plan. It covers all public sector workers in Connecticut—that's anyone who works for a state and local government.

The state plan adopts all federal standards for general industry (29 CFR 1910) and construction (29 CFR 1926) as-is, with the exception of Table Z-1, Limits for Air Contaminants (§1910.1000).

The Connecticut Occupational Safety and Health Division (CONN-OSHA) enforces these standards for the public sector, including inspections, notifications, citations, penalties, and appeals. It also enforces its own whistleblower protections.

Since Connecticut's state plan doesn't cover the private sector, that's still under federal OSHA's jurisdiction. Federal government workers also remain under federal OSHA, including the U.S. Postal Service and any civilian employees that work on military bases.

Best Seller
Individual Course

OSHA 10-Hour Construction Training Course

OSHA 10 Outreach for construction covers 29 CFR 1926 regulations. DOL card included.

89.00 59.99
Best Seller
Individual Course

OSHA 30-Hour Construction Training Course

OSHA 30 Outreach for construction covers 29 CFR 1926 regulations. DOL card included.

189.00 159.99
Best Seller
Individual Course

OSHA 10-Hour General Industry Training Course

OSHA 10 Outreach general industry covers 29 CFR 1910 regulations. DOL card included.

89.00 59.99
Best Seller
Individual Course

OSHA 30-Hour General Industry Training Course

OSHA 30 Outreach general industry covers 29 CFR 1910 regulations. DOL card included.

189.00 159.99
Individual Course

OSHA 10-Horas Curso en Español Para Construcción

El alcance de la OSHA para la construcción cubre la normativa 29 CFR 1926.

89.00 59.99
Individual Course

OSHA 10-Horas Curso en Español Para Industria General

OSHA Outreach industría general cubre la normativa 29 CFR 1910.

89.00 59.99
Individual Course

OSHA 30-Horas Curso en Español Para Construcción

OSHA 30 Outreach para la construcción cubre la normativa 29 CFR 1926.

189.00 159.99
Individual Course

OSHA 30-Horas Curso en Español Para Industria General

OSHA 30 Outreach general industría cubre la normativa 29 CFR 1910.

189.00 159.99

OSHA Training Requirements in Connecticut

Connecticut's state plan means there are two separate enforcement agencies for workers and employers in the state. But since Connecticut largely adopted §1910 and 1926 standards, the rules for training are similar for everyone.

OSHA requires training on specific safety standards that apply to your job functions. Its Outreach courses (sometimes referred to as "DOL cards") are safety orientations that cover common requirements for your industry.

OSHA doesn't require Outreach training and, in most cases, neither does the state of Connecticut. Some Connecticut employers might require you to earn a DOL card, however. In that case, you’ll either need an OSHA 10-Hour course for entry-level workers or an OSHA 30-Hour course for supervisors.

Connecticut Construction Safety Law

OSHA Colorado Outreach courses are legally required under one circumstance in Connecticut.

If you're a construction worker on a public works project worth over $100,000, you have to complete OSHA 10-hour Construction Training from an OSHA-authorized provider. That includes any building project paid for (in part or in full) by state funding. It's part of Connecticut's prevailing wage law (Conn Gen Stat § 31-53b).


We offer OSHA 10-Hour ConstructionOSHA 30-Hour ConstructionOSHA 10-Hour General Industry, and OSHA 30-Hour General Industry to meet your OSHA training needs.

Not sure where to start? Read our guide.

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OSHA Training Requirements Guide

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Benefits of OSHA Training for Workers in Connecticut

OSHA’s goal is always to increase worker awareness and understanding of jobsite hazards through safety training. This training not only ensures employees are better equipped to prevent fatalities and accidents, but also that employers can avoid OSHA inspection penalties from noncompliance, lower workers’ compensation costs, and increase workplace productivity.

While it’s easy for us to say that OSHA Connecticut training will make your workplace safer, it’s another thing to share statistics that will prove it. The following workplace injury statistics from OSHA, the Department of Labor, and other Connecticut agencies tell the important story of the role of safety training in preventing fatalities, accidents, and fines.

Fatal Occupational Injuries in Connecticut

According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there were a total of 34 fatal occupational injuries in Connecticut in 2022, while nationally there were 5,486 fatal occupational injuries.

Of the 34 fatalities:

  • 12 were the result of transportation incidents
  • 7 were the result of falls, slips, and trips
  • 6 were the result of contact with objects and equipment
  • 5 were the result of violence and other injuries by persons or animals
  • 3 were the result of exposure to harmful substances or environments

They were distributed across the following industries:

  • 9 in transportation and warehousing
  • 9 in construction
  • 3 in administrative and waste services
  • 3 in local government
  • 4 in manufacturing

Non-Fatal Occupational Injuries and Illnesses in Connecticut

Additionally, the BLS reports roughly 35,700 non-fatal occupational injuries and illnesses in 2022, with just over 22,000 of those cases serious enough to result in days away from work, job restriction, or transfer (DART).

Around 7,500 of all Connecticut cases were among state and local government workers. That's an incidence rate of 5.4 cases per 100 full-time workers, compared to the national rate of 4.9. Most of the injuries and illnesses in Connecticut's public sector were among local government workers.

2023 Top OSHA Enforcement Cases in Connecticut

As you saw above, workers in Connecticut, especially construction workers, are at a high-risk for injuries and accidents. Employees aren’t the only ones affected by the lack of OSHA training. Employers can use OSHA training to reduce their risk of enforcement penalties from OSHA.

While OSHA lists the top enforcement cases by state on its website, to give you a better idea of the hefty fines you risk for violating their regulations, here are the top cases for 2023.

(Side scroll for additional content)

State Inspection Number Employer City Issuance Date Initial Penalty
CT 1696385.015 Mini Melts USA, Inc. NORWICH 12/05/2023 $61,051.00
CT 1681538.015 PB Acquisition Company, LLC SOUTHINGTON 11/28/2023 $58,932.00
CT 1674844.015 Seven Concrete, LLC NEW HAVEN 11/27/2023 $185,633.00
CT 1702343.015 MH1 Construction, LLC WATERBURY 11/08/2023 $65,183.00
CT 1698345.015 SM Enfield LLC ENFIELD 11/06/2023 $48,439.00
CT 1683497.015 Legere Group, Ltd. AVON 09/28/2023 $55,039.00
CT 1657743.015 Gracie's Kitchens Inc. NEW HAVEN 08/31/2023 $78,126.00
CT 1653614.015 North American Dental Group COLCHESTER 08/28/2023 $43,644.00
CT 1650851.015 Plainville Plating Company, Inc. PLAINVILLE 08/14/2023 $40,625.00
CT 1671683.015 Broder Bros Co. BRIDGEPORT 07/24/2023 $69,198.00
CT 1640492.015 Early New England Restorations, LLC NORTH STONINGTON 06/14/2023 $117,193.00
CT 1640724.015 Schaeffler Aerospace USA Corporation WINSTED 06/13/2023 $58,040.00
CT 1638822.015 DOLGENCORP, LLC VERNON 06/05/2023 $224,571.00
CT 1651629.015 Sheffield Pharmaceuticals, LLC NEW LONDON 05/19/2023 $46,702.00
CT 1631244.015 SCA Pharmaceuticals, LLC WINDSOR 04/27/2023 $223,229.00
CT 1628425.015 Delta Arsenal, LLC WALLINGFORD 04/16/2023 $54,072.00
CT 1645235.015 Ahlstrom-Munksjo Nonwovens, LLC WINDSOR LOCKS 04/12/2023 $72,322.00
CT 1620333.015 Pitch Pines Landscaping, LLC WATERBURY 03/06/2023 $47,322.00
CT 1639468.015 Michaels Stores, Inc. MILFORD 02/23/2023 $65,992.00
CT 1631327.015 Dollar Tree Stores, Inc. OLD SAYBROOK 02/15/2023 $147,312.00
CT 1613373.015 The Nuway Tobacco Company SOUTH WINDSOR 02/06/2023 $56,255.00
CT 1609791.015 Botticello, Inc. COVENTRY 01/19/2023 $375,021.00
CT 1626834.015 Western Express, Inc. PLAINFIELD 01/12/2023 $47,235.00
CT 1628940.015 Michaels Stores, Inc. WATERBURY 01/11/2023 $51,800.00
CT 1619294.015 Rogers Corporation MOOSUP 01/10/2023 $100,482.00

Federal and State OSHA Offices in Connecticut

Since some Connecticuters fall under federal jurisdiction while others fall under state jurisdiction, there are local area offices for both federal and state OSHA in Connecticut.

If you work in the private sector or for a military facility, workplace with Indian sovereignty, or federal agency (including the U.S. Postal Service), you need to contact federal OSHA. Connecticut has two local area offices for federal OSHA:

  • Bridgeport
  • Hartford

If you're in the public sector (state and local government workers), you need to contact the CONN-OSHA office, instead. That office is in Wethersfield.

You can find contact information for both federal and state OSHA offices in Connecticut on OSHA's website.

Additional Connecticut Resources for Safety Information

In addition to the information we have provided, you can visit additional Connecticut state agency and association websites for more information on safety resources.

Connecticut Occupational Safety and Health Division (CONN-OSHA): The CONN-OSHA division enforces regulations that apply to state and municipal employees and offers free services to employers to help them create safe workplaces for employees.

Connecticut Department of Labor (CT DOL): The DOL provides a variety of services to workers and job seekers to help them remain competitive and safe in the job market.

State of Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Commission (WCC): The WCC helps employees navigate their workers’ comp claims and get access to their benefits.

Enroll Now in OSHA Connecticut Training Courses

Although you now understand the importance of OSHA Connecticut training for the safety and well-being of workers, supervisors, and employers, you now need to determine which OSHA training course you will need.

Luckily, you don’t have to look far! With over 20 years of experience as an OSHA-authorized training provider, we offer OSHA 10-Hour Construction, OSHA 30-Hour Construction, OSHA 10-Hour General Industry, and OSHA 30-Hour General Industry to satisfy your OSHA training needs.

Select your online course and get started on your training today!

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