EM 385-1-1 FAQs
Discover the answers to your most frequently asked questions about EM 385-1-1 manual training from our team of experts.
What is EM 385?
EM 385-1-1 is the Safety and Requirements Manual that is published and maintained by the US Corps of Engineers (USACE). Anyone who works on a Department of Defense project or a military contract needs to understand and adhere to the guidelines in EM 385.
What does EM 385 stand for?
The EM in EM 385 stands for Engineers Manual.
What is EM 385 Training?
Because the contents of EM 385 are so vital in getting and maintaining work on government contracts, EM 385 training was developed. These training modules will ensure you understand the ins and outs of the manual and that you can complete your job safely and in-compliance with USACE regulations.
What is an SSHO?
SSHO stands for Site Safety and Health Officer, but essentially, they’re the person in charge of maintaining jobsite safety and health. They’re typically in a supervisor-type role and manage accident prevention plans and site safety and health plans. According to the EM 385 manual, SSHOs are required to complete a 40-Hour EM 385 training course, as well as an 8-Hour refresher each year.