OSHA Maine Online Training

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To help clarify OSHA standards, we are going to take a look at OSHA training recommendations in Maine, statistics that illustrate the importance of safety training, and how you can get your OSHA Maine training.

Occupational Safety and Health Jurisdiction in Maine

Maine is one of 26 states (and 2 U.S. territories) with an official state plan. It covers public sector workplaces, including state and local governments, public schools, colleges, and universities, and quasi-government agencies like water districts. You can find the complete statutes in MRSA (Maine Revised Statutes Annotated) Title 26, Chapter 6.

The state plan adopts OSHA's standards; they "generally follow" federal standards but aren't necessarily identical. For example, Maine's respiratory protection standard is unique from the federal version. Maine also has a standard for Video Display Terminals (VDT) when the federal agency does not.

Maine's OSHA standards are enforced through the Maine Department of Labor (MDOL), including inspections, citations, penalties, and whistleblower protections. Its Board of Occupational Safety and Health develops standards and hears public sector employers that want to contest a citation or penalty.

Since Maine's state plan doesn't cover the private sector, that's still under federal OSHA's jurisdiction. Federal government workers also remain under federal OSHA, including the U.S. Postal Service and any civilian employees that work on military bases.

OSHA Maine Training Requirements

Maine's state plan means there are two separate enforcement agencies for workers and employers in the state. Since Maine "generally follows" federal standards, the training needs are very similar. Some additional training may be necessary for public sector employees—for example, Maine's VDT standards require training (MRSA Title 26, §252). MDOL provides free consultation services for state OSHA, including help determining the necessary training. You can learn more at their Safety Works website.

Federal OSHA standards require training on certain topics for everyone under its jurisdiction, and MDOL's website refers public employers to the same list.

Both MDOL and federal OSHA also recommend that new employees receive a general orientation to safety. OSHA developed its 10-hour and 30-hour Outreach Courses to serve this purpose. These Outreach courses are not required by federal OR state regulation, but many Maine employers require these "DOL cards" as part of their safety training.

OSHA 10-hour courses are intended for entry-level workers, while OSHA 30-hour courses are designed for supervisors.

Learn More About OSHA 10-Hour and 30-Hour Courses for Mainers

We offer OSHA 10-Hour Construction, OSHA 30-Hour Construction, OSHA 10-Hour General Industry, and OSHA 30-Hour General Industry to meet your OSHA training needs.

Not sure where to start? Read our guide.

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Benefits of OSHA Maine Training for Workers

The largest benefit of OSHA safety training is that it prevents injuries and accidents from common workplace hazards. However, employees aren’t the only ones that will benefit from training! When Maine employers invest in OSHA training programs, they’re reducing their risk of OSHA inspection penalties, lowering workers’ compensation costs, and increasing their productivity.

While we’ve stated that workplace training will keep workers safe, it’s another thing to look at statistics that prove it. Take a look at the below statistics from OSHA, the Department of Labor, and other Maine agencies.

Fatal Occupational Injuries in Maine

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported a total of 23 fatal occupational injuries in Maine in 2022, out of 5,486 national fatalities.

Of the 23 Maine fatalities:

  • 9 were the result of transportation incidents
  • 6 were the result of exposure to harmful substances or environments
  • 3 were the result of contact with objects and equipment

The fatalities were distributed across the following industries:

  • 7 in construction
  • 3 in agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
  • 4 in educational and health services

All Maine occupational fatalities were white men between the ages of 35 and 64.

2023 Top OSHA Enforcement Cases in Maine

Although all workers in Maine are at risk for injuries and accidents, those in Construction face even higher stakes. Unfortunately, employees aren’t the only ones affected by a lack of OSHA training. Without training, employers are more likely to face enforcement penalties from OSHA inspections.

To put a dollar amount to the violations, here are the top cases of 2023.

(Side scroll for additional content)

State Inspection Number Employer City Issuance Date Initial Penalty
ME 1704865.015 GHM Giri Hotel Management FREEPORT 12/13/23 $69,638.00
ME 1684502.015 Nelson Property Services, INC. BRUNSWICK 12/12/23 $299,078.00
ME 1697621.015 Arctic Glacier USA Inc. SANFORD 12/05/23 $53,574.00
ME 1686156.015 Douglas Dynamics, Inc. ROCKLAND 11/02/23 $79,696.00
ME 1679060.015 Stratton Lumber, Inc. STRATTON 10/06/23 $134,200.00
ME 1670535.015 Washburn & Doughty Associates, Inc. EAST BOOTHBAY 10/02/23 $57,112.00
ME 1669641.015 ARJ CONSTRUCTION INC. WELLS 09/26/23 $44,691.00
ME 1670362.015 Trader Joe's East, Inc. PORTLAND 09/15/23 $165,728.00
ME 1682267.015 Parts Authority, LLC BANGOR 09/14/23 $42,412.00
ME 1664029.015 Cedarworks, Inc. ROCKLAND 08/28/23 $42,188.00
ME 1667814.015 Humble Abodes Beekeeping Supplies WINDSOR 08/09/23 $46,477.00
ME 1662412.015 DSM Metal Fabrication BIDDEFORD 07/27/23 $112,162.00
ME 1668930.015 Family Dollar FORT KENT 07/20/23 $73,656.00
ME 1664777.015 Louisiana Pacific Corporation NEW LIMERICK 06/28/23 $58,437.00
ME 1647719.015 Webb's RV Center BANGOR 05/09/23 $48,437.00
ME 1632965.015 DG Retail LLC ENFIELD 05/02/23 $321,419.00
ME 1645385.015 Legacy CP Maine, LLC AUGUSTA 04/24/23 $58,040.00
ME 1641502.015 Running Tide, Inc. PORTLAND 03/24/23 $44,200.00
ME 1641306.015 Bonin Masonry, Inc. AUBURN 03/23/23 $46,435.00
ME 1641721.015 Family Dollar Store, Inc. BUCKSPORT 03/10/23 $49,104.00
ME 1638394.015 Maine Recycling Corporation LISBON FALLS 03/08/23 $40,627.00
ME 1635192.015 Walpole Outdoors, LLC PITTSFIELD 02/09/23 $136,729.00
ME 1633798.015 Genuine Parts Company SCARBOROUGH 01/24/23 $58,927.00
ME 1629625.015 GVS North America SANFORD 01/20/23 $40,984.00
ME 1631871.015 DG Retail LLC LIMINGTON 01/17/23 $98,208.00

Federal and State OSHA Offices in Maine

Since Maine employers and workers are divided up into federal and state jurisdiction, there are separate local area offices for state and federal OSHA.

You need to contact a federal office if you're in the private sector, a federal agency, a military facility, a workplace with Indian sovereignty, the U.S. Postal Service, or a maritime employer.

There are two local area offices for federal OSHA in Maine:

  • Augusta
  • Bangor

If you're in the public sector, you need to contact a Maine state plan office, instead. In Maine, that includes anyone employed by the state, state agency, county, municipal corporation, school district or other political corporation or political subdivisions having employees.

Maine has one state plan office in Augusta.

You can find up-to-date contact information for state and federal Maine offices on OSHA's website.

Additional Maine Resources for Safety Information

In addition to the information we have provided, you can visit additional Maine state agency and association websites for more information on safety resources.

Maine Department of Labor (MDOL): The MDOL has a responsibility to the community to provide services to help job seekers, workers, and employers thrive. The department manages a variety of programs and offers numerous services, including job training, workplace safety, and disability.

State of Maine Workers’ Compensation Board: This department ensures that employers comply with workers’ compensation laws, delivers benefits, and more.

Office of Workers' Compensation: This department provides information about Maine’s workers' compensation program.

SafetyWorks!: Offered through the MDOL, SafetyWorks! is a voluntary outreach programs, separate from OSHA, that offers free services and solutions to help promote workplace safety.

Enroll Now in OSHA Maine Training Courses

While you now understand the importance of OSHA Maine training to the safety and well-being of workers, you still need to select the training course you will benefit the most from.

Luckily, you don’t have to look too far! We have over 20 years of experience as an OSHA-authorized training provider, and we offer OSHA 10-Hour Construction, OSHA 30-Hour Construction, OSHA 10-Hour General Industry, and OSHA 30-Hour General Industry to satisfy your OSHA training needs.

Simply select the best course for your needs and sign up today!

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