How to Build Your Job Search Strategy in 5 Simple Steps

Posted On: February 22, 2016
Boost your job search

There’s more to finding a job than looking at open and available positions. It's about finding the employer who is offering an opportunity to do something that you want to do, something that may help you further your career and allow you to feel fulfilled. You don't want to land just any job—you want to find the right one. Developing a job search strategy will help you accomplish your goals. These steps will help you create an effective strategy:

  1. Begin the process by establishing a goal for your job search.

One of the most overlooked job search techniques is to set a goal. Obviously, the end goal is to secure employment—but you also need to set a specific goal about what type of job you want, the salary you are seeking, and the type of organization you want to work for. Consider the geographic location of the position that you want, the skills that you have, and even the type of personality you possess when setting your ultimate job search goal.

  1. Create a primary and secondary list of organizations that you are most interested in working for.

Generating these lists will help you to keep your priorities straight and focus your job search on where you actually want to be. Research these organizations in order to have a better understanding of their processes, and learn about what types of job openings may be available.

  1. Identify actions that you can take in order to reach out to these organizations.

You should spend a significant amount of energy on networking with the specific organizations that you have identified. Make contacts within those organizations, and try to get known as much as possible. In many cases, companies and corporations are going to hire people they recognize, so try to become a familiar face to them.

  1. Join professional organizations in your industry.

Professional organizations are great opportunities to make contacts within your industry—and to learn about job openings. Attend the meetings regularly, and make it a point to connect with individuals who may be able to assist you in finding the position you are seeking. Many of these professionals can offer job search advice that can truly boost your chances of securing the job you want.

  1. Keep track of your own progress.

Your job search strategy should not exist only in your head. Write it down, and make a plan with actionable steps in order to find your job. As you continue to look for career search advice and work on networking, hold yourself accountable and make it a point to accomplish your goals. Create a list of things you must do each day—and make sure that you take care of everything you need and want to do. Searching for the right opportunity can feel like a full-time job—and in many ways, it is. However, the result is going to be worth it when you are gainfully employed at an organization that can help you to achieve your dreams. Developing a job search strategy is more than just a good idea, it's a necessity in today's competitive, global job market.   Sources:    

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